Unlockable: | How to Unlock: |
Unlock Gespenst-R | On the Kyosuke Route, make sure Guilliam is at least level 23 by stage 19. |
Unlock Gespenst-S | Destroy the R-GUN on stage 30 on Ryusei's path without getting the Huckebein 008L. |
Unlock Graviton Launcher | Make sure your opposite main character (Ryusei or Kyosuke) has at least at least 55 kills by stage 32. |
Unlock Grungust | Destroy the R-GUN on stage 30 on Kyosuke's path without getting the Huckebein 008L. |
Unlock Guarlion | Destroy it with either Task or Rai on stage 24. |
Unlock Hero Symbol | Daitetsu (Ryusei Route) or Lefina (Kyosuke Route) must be at least level 35 by stage 35. |
Unlock Huckebein 008L | Have Ingram be at level 32 before stage 30 (Ryusei Route) or Villeta at level 23 by stage 19 on the Kyosuke route. |
Unlock Kai | Take the Kyosuke Route. |
Unlock Keep the ability to combine into SRX | Take the Ryusei Route. |
Unlock Lion-F | Take the Ryusei Path. |
Unlock R-GUN | Destroy it on stage 30. |
Unlock Shishio Blade | Make sure your main character has at least 50 kills by stage 26. Destroy Zengar on stage 26. Be on Hard Difficulty. |
Unlock Soul of Metal | Daitetsu (Kyosuke Route) or Lefina (Ryusei Route) must be at least level 38 by level 38. |
Unlock Valcion Kai | On stage 28, reduce the HP of the Valcion Kai below 10% without destroying it. |